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Consistency vs Perfection

Intensity and focus: a man and woman engaging in a dynamic battle rope workout at the gym.

We all strive to be perfect when we start our fitness journey. We want to do everything “by the book” because of this belief that if all is perfect then we will get to our goals and in a relatively short amount of time. So, we aim to work out every day, eat right every day, cut all junk food out of our diet and at once, just to give up after a bad day. Then, comes the popular belief that “diets don’t work.”

I get it, you are frustrated. It is okay to feel the way you are, and weight loss is not easy. But for weight loss to occur, you don’t have to be perfect and do everything perfectly. As a matter of fact, perfection does not really exist, and if it does, it is subjective. Below is what you need to do on your weight loss journey in order to see results and reach your goals:


Workout some days. You read that right. It is okay to have days off in your workout plan. That would actually be good for your body, leaving room for your muscles to repair themselves and therefore grow as you go.

Two athletes performing push-ups with determination and focus in a gym setting.
A nutritious breakfast platter with avocado spread, sun-dried tomatoes, olives with cheese, whole grain breadsticks, and a glass of orange juice served on a wooden table.

Eat right some days. It all starts in the kitchen, and as I like to put it, “exercise determines how strong you look while your nutrition determines how lean you look.” The quality of your food matters. The cleaner your nutrition and the better for you. That does not mean that you need to cut out all junk food and at once. This process should be gradual, and one way to do it is by starting with one day during the week when you would have some junk food. And if you keep at it, you will notice that gradually, you will have cut out some junk food.

Get back at it after a bad day. So, you’ve indulged more than before on one day for whatever reasons. You fell off the wagon. Is it the end of the world? No. Get back up, dust yourself and keep going. Weight loss is not a sprint but a marathon. You had a bad day, so what? It happens. On your weight loss journey, you will have a lot of bad days. But as long as you get back on that wagon after you fell off you will reach your destination. 

Focused determination: a woman engages in an intense abdominal workout on a gym mat, showcasing strength and commitment to fitness.

Slow and steady win the race. Aim for consistency, not perfection. Let me know how you’re doing on your fitness journey in the comments below. I would love to know and cheer you up! 

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